Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Following Takes Place between 9PM and 10PM...

The Student Action senators returned to their headquarters. They were upset that two of their plans had failed, but content with the fact that they were free and busy planning their next attack. But Andy Morris worried them. They knew that by this point he had probably discovered that they had a nuclear arsenal underneath lower Spoul and knew he would head there next. They decided to set up a trap.

Lauren Karasek sat in her office drinking a bottle of Vodka. The day had been stressful and she felt she deserved a drink (or six). Halfway through the bottle, however, her phone rang.

"Yes?" she asked drunkenly.

"Karasek, it's O'Connor. We have a problem. It seems Student Action has nuclear capabilities."

"We only have one option," replied Karasek, "We need to launch a full attack!"

Andy Morris assembled a large team of SQUELCH! agents and went over to lower Sproul. He found a secret tunnel and entered cautiously. Underneath lower Sproul, he suspiciously eyed a door labeled "Nuclear Weapons."

"Wow, for an organization with nuclear weapons, the leadership doesn't seem very intellegent," he remarked.

He entered the room and saw a giant nuclear generator in the center. He walked over to it but quickly realized it was fake. Within seconds, hundreds of Student Action members stormed into the room.

A shoot out occured and bullets flew across the room. Morris hid behind the generator and was able to shoot 10 Student Action members. Unfortunately, his team was not so lucky. They were completely surrounded and brutally murdered in front of Morris' eyes. Morris watched as his team was killed. During the battle, a Student Action member was able to sneak behind Morris. He put his gun to Morris' head and yelled, "Drop you weapon!" Morris had no choice but to comply.

Lauren Karasek recieved a phone call and learned that the assault was a failure and Morris had once again been captured.

She had no choice. She had to call the one person who had proved a challened to Student Action in the past. The one person who single handedly almost brought down the entire Student Action regime. She had to call Andy Ratto.


Anonymous said...

nooooooo!!! Not Andy Ratto!!!

I'm loving this, Morris...and, in case the sarcasm wasn't clear, I love you too, Ratto :)

Anonymous said...

best. episode. ever/.

and I love you too karasek.