Friday, April 13, 2007

The Following Takes Place Between 11PM and 12AM...

Andy Ratto was looking through the computer at Student Action headquarters. Unfortunately, the files were encypted and he didn't have the technology to figure out what they said. He loaded all the filed onto a drive and left to go back to SQUELCH! headquarters. Unfortunately, as he was leaving the building, the Student Action senators returned. They smiled at Ratto and one of them hit him over the head, knocking him unconscious.

A committee of students wanting to learn more about the elections sat in Wheeler auditorium. They still had a few hours to vote and wanted to make up their minds about who to vote for.

The Student Action chair showed up to the meeting and stood in the back. She listened to the students debating the issues.

John O'Connor learned of Lauren Karasek's death and was upset. The day just kept getting worse and worse. He blamed himself for letting the senators go and wanted to do something to redeem himself. Even worse, he hadn't heard from Andy Ratto lately and was worried that he had been captured or killed.

Having no other choice, he dispatched Joe Rothberg to Student Action headquarters. The rest of the SQUELCH! field agents were either captured or dead and if Joe wasn't able to succeed there was no chance for SQUELCH!

Andy Morris was still tied up in a back room. The guards set up another chair and he watched as Andy Ratto was tied up next to him. He knew that sending Ratto was an act of desperation and seeing him captured lowered Morris' hopes of saving the day.

As the students in Wheeler debated, the Student Action senators came into the room and closed the door behind them.

The Student Action chair walked to the front of the room. The students looked up confused. The chair pulled out a gun.

"The debate is over. You guys are going to vote for us and you're going to vote for us now!"

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